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How to deal with haters?

When you are on the path of progress hurdles come in different ways and sometimes in the shape of haters. Sometimes they could ruin your success so what we should do and how to deal with them? Let me brief my experience I have always been excellent throughout my career, so I face the love of haters many times. But sometimes it really sucks. It was a special day of my life. I won the award for the best (acting) performance of the year. To me, it was not a huge achievement. So I posted it online with remarks that success is not only winning an award. After that hater commenting on my rude, arrogant and some of them even start abusing me. First of all, I doubt myself that perhaps I did something wrong. So I edit my statement that success is not only winning an award but also the hearts of people. But instead of stopping, it works oppositely for fueling the fire. They start calling me fake winners, ugly and you know many things. So I felt very angry about how the hater perceives th

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