How to deal with haters?

When you are on the path of progress hurdles come in different ways and sometimes in the shape of haters. Sometimes they could ruin your success so what we should do and how to deal with them?

Let me brief my experience

I have always been excellent throughout my career, so I face the love of haters many times. But sometimes it really sucks.

It was a special day of my life. I won the award for the best (acting) performance of the year. To me, it was not a huge achievement. So I posted it online with remarks that success is not only winning an award. After that hater commenting on my rude, arrogant and some of them even start abusing me. First of all, I doubt myself that perhaps I did something wrong. So I edit my statement that success is not only winning an award but also the hearts of people. But instead of stopping, it works oppositely for fueling the fire. They start calling me fake winners, ugly and you know many things. So I felt very angry about how the hater perceives things and I reacted badly. At that moment they start demanding to take the award back from her. Even they started a campaign against me. The issue from social media gains the attention of national media. I got many phone calls, text messages and invitation letters. They want to interview me. It could ruin my career then I learned some tips and tricks from my seniors to tackle the haters. That’s what I am going to share with you. But before that hit the subscribe button and also the tiny bell icon.

Let’s start How to deal with haters?

First of all, it’s very important to know the psycho of haters, why they actually hate you

Who actually they are and how to deal them

Jealous Haters

The higher you achieve success more people become jealous of you. It’s natural, especially when you are famous. They hate you because they want to become you. So instead of progressing the jealous haters start pulling the legs of successful people. You are a reflection of what they wish to be. So the jealousy is obvious specifically among competitors. They see you as a threat and always try to make hurdles.

How should we deal with them?

Remember that they are afraid of your success and you are their direct enemy so be careful about them. They even plan to destroy you. You should always be ready to face some opposition from them. If they create hurdles then you can also. But never waste your always thinking about them. Use a defensive policy to protect yourself.


They did not know you

Not every person deserves to know you and haters are like an ignorant person, they usually judge you without knowing anything about you. They are usually online haters who pretend to be the people of wisdom. But the reality is they are just like a commentator who is talking about the whole issue without anything about it.

You should see them with people with limited knowledge. Most often they are your online followers who spend hours to enjoy controversies. You don't need to respond to them. Never react how much they go wisdomic or rude. If it becomes necessary to answer instead of passing aggressive words, use some questions so they may doubt their own perspective and don't react to them directly.

The negative people

Some haters don't have any reason behind, they hate because they are haters. They could not think in a positive way. You can say negative people are those who see the half-empty glass (show half-filled glass with waters). So your any statement, word or action they perceived a hundred percent in the opposite way.

These people may be your ideological rivals. If you tell them right they see wrong. So never waste your time on them. Because you couldn't please everyone.

Now I am going to tell you some tips so that you should respond better.

     Never doubt yourself

The best mistake we do dealing with haters is to start doubting ourselves. It creates many problems. We feel unconfident with these doubts. You should be very clear before and after their attack about your stance. Be open-minded, nothing is wrong or right in reality. Don't be a guy who they want to be.

     Think positive

If you start behaving like your haters, then what else the difference remains. Take criticism positive for yourself. Great people always face criticized by people. But what they do is they take opposition as motivation, which energizes them more.

     Use the sandwich technique

It is not always right to win the war by crushing the enemy, use some sandwich techniques so they feel you are not what they think. Show some respect if the hater is on leverage over you. But make them realize that there is a boundary that they should never cross.

     Ask questions

The questions always create doubts. Make it a weapon against the huge audience. Ask them what will they do if they at your place. Ask them specifically what they know about the issue. How much they have for what they are talking about. When they start doubting themselves they become less severe to your self.

     Never react aggressively

If you start getting annoyed by haters’ behavior. it will be disastrous for you because they love to make you feel don’t give them the taste they like. Sometimes it is better to walk away with a smile.

     Try to know them first

Sometimes we do not like people because we do not know much about them. Hater could be you also. just give respect and have respect. If they are your colleague fellows or friends spend some time to make a friendly relation. Give them some time to see their reaction towards you.

     Be confident

Confidence is a fundamental element of success. If you are confident what you do is correct then nobody could disturb you even your worst haters. It will change their perception of you. Show them some confidence that you are your own boss they hate or love never disturb.

     Pick words carefully

The most obvious difference between humans and other creations is that we can talk to understand each other. So better is to choose words that work better. Spend some time on it. Make your statement clear. Manipulate people with some words that show your empathy.

     Learn about them

Learning is the only way to play safe. Keep learning about the people, how they are divided and why. Be sure that when you are online sharing something, it is not hurting the community or their genuine issue.



If you are successful and famous as a celebrity. you should build a policy of "never engage". You should talk about the topics that you know. Never stuck in the issue which you could take as an opportunity. When you are in an interview never comment on the political issues especially when you are not best at them. If you are doing this winning one mindset then remember the left-hand side will take you as a threat.

     Bonus tip

Use humor.

If you have to beat your enemies than humor is the best option. People do not take it ill if you have a good sense of humor. You can manage the toxic situation in a laughable way. But do become rude. It will work oppositely and your audience becomes your haters. Do it if you are good at it.

I attended an interview, to clarify what my post was about. I told them how much struggle I made to come here, the award could not describe it. Not anything else. But I am thankful for the audience they awarded me with it. That's why it's meaningful. If somebody is asking me to give it back, I am sure he is not insulting the people, not my hard work, not the other nominees. If they are better than me then come up on stage and perform better than me.

After my interview, some haters tried other things but I did not respond to anything, after a few days they stopped and everything got normal.

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