Graduation in Pakistan

Graduation in Pakistan

 It is common saying by instructors in our country that do your best till intermediate, success will be your ultimate future. That is true for some extent. Our education system is only limited to marks and grades. Those who got well marks have more opportunities to become eligible for admission in elite universities. Universities tags create more chances for the job they want. Success work for them in that way. There is no issue for success for the hardworking student.
But on broader prospect, our quality education is going down and down. Students in a run of getting good marks. Educational Institutes are in the race of number competition. You can feel a huge difference between educated and graduated person. It seems like the difference between Virat Kohli and Ahmad Shahzad. That is a reason we are losing international competition while having a good brain. If you are thinking about the achiever of Pakistan, most of them working abroad and are trained at international level.
Basic problems

  • ·        Confusion of selecting Graduation Degree
  • ·      No interest in education except Degree and money
  • ·        Failure of semester system
  • ·        Gap between Industries and Education System

Confusion of selecting Graduation Degree

After completing intermediate students have two methods for selecting higher education
  1.     Merit-based on Entry test for recommended Discipline
  2.     Choosing the discipline with money

 The confusion comes in both options. Students and their parent have different opinion about it. Some students chose their parents advice. Some go with their own self. But problem is they think about the scope of degree, imagine worth of it for future time, how much wealth is it? How many seats are for this job etc.? But nobody thinks about the potential of that student (if this student has the ability for this job), University learning environment (this Institute can provide opportunity to excel in that profession), educational facilities etc. It’s easy to ask few honest questions to clear you to mind
·        Can I or he/she have the potential to complete this type of degree with good skills?
Intermediate result subject wise may help you. Many of students repeat their courses, for example, medical students repeat their courses at least three times without realizing that they don’t have the potential to excel in the profession of MBBS
·        Can the university/institute will provide you facilities for this degree
Visit universities communicate with senior students and staff
·        Is that enough for this degree?
Research skills what skills needed for this degree?

No interest in education except Degree and money

The ultimate goal of acquiring an educational degree is good status and money. Students have no will of learning. They are just like sheep on a path which ends on a good job with money. We have no practical inspirational system. Countries like India have many science museums in their major cities. They exhibit science at every forum and India is now IT hub of the world. Their students have more interest in the sciences. They want to become an entrepreneur, scientist, and technologist etc. like Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi and many more. But our students have no wish list like our neighbors have.        
Failure of semester system

Basically, the semester system that we have applied in Pakistan is not working properly. Except for some basic science discipline. Students came universities to chill their day. They have only one lecture 2 or 3 credit hour out of 24 hours. They come for attendance formality. They do a lot of activity about the opposite gender. Oh!  Thanks for government laptop which facilitate their student to watch 2 to 3 movies a day. In short, student wastes their golden span (4 years) in useless activities instead of training brain for the profession.

The gap between Industries and Education System

Our Industries and services institutes are not interested in students and research. They allow internship only to the student that provide the reference. Similar is the case for job hunting. HR manager will honorably save your CV/Resume. Trust me nobody will look at it if you don’t have an influential connection. This type of environment kills our opportunity. Moreover, our industries not need Research. That is why our Ph.D. scholar tries to go foreign and we are developing nothing by own in the era of Technology.


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